A little of my journey…

Life is never the  linear pathway we would like it to be. We can often wonder how we arrived at the moment we are in. My journey has been far from a straight line. I was born in Zimbawe (formerly Rhodesia) that was a society that was far from a natural fit. A culture of black and white, right and wrong, opressors and the oppressed.

On the day I completed my Law Degree I left this civil war-torn country to find a ‘better way’ in London. Little did I know that it would take me many years to find this.

My ‘Awakening’ happenend spontaneously on a hot Sunday afternoon in 1976 through an ‘out of body’ experience. I suddenly found myself somewhere above the ceiling looking dispassionately at my physical body on the bed below. I knew without a shadow of doubt I had a consciousness that was freely and completely independent of that body. Only in a moment of wondering if I would return to it, that with a big shock, I did!

This experience literally turned my life upside down! It totally disrupted my sense of ‘self’ and sparked a deep need to understand it and find answers to my many questions. This was my ‘wake up’ call to finding a better way. All that was available to me, or so appeared at the time was the Spiritualist Society in Belgrave Square. This offered some comfort at the time yet only partially gave me the answers I was seeking.



Life had something else in store for me. Spurred on by a new relationship, I found myself in Australia and I again had to make a new start. I had to re-qualify in Australian law, I thus began my 25 year career as a corporate lawyer.

Yet, my inner call to understand life’s big questions never dimmed. Put on the ‘back burner’ many times, yes. Those years felt as if I was trying to ride two bicycles! By day a corporate lawyer, at night and most weekends a spiritual seeker.


Life kept pushing me to open my heart to the nature I had masked behind an inauthentic ‘shadow’ I began to see that as a naturally sensitive, intuitive child, I had spent my early years trying to fit into a world I did not resonate with. I had learned painfully that I was not okay as I was, I spent years making poor life choices in trying to be ‘who’ others thought I should be.

I gradually began to realise I was repeatedly held back by an unconscious denial of my empathic nature. I began to see how in trying to protect my empathic nature in a challenging world, I had shifted from being ‘heart’ centered to ‘head centered!


This required me to retrace my steps–to begin to undo the beliefs and behavioural patterns I had developed to cope with painful childhood experiences. My healing occurred organically from within through self-observation, reflection and help from others. I felt called to deeply explore my mind-body-spirit connection anew. I took up transcendental meditation and explored different fields of personal growth and human potential. By realigning with the impulse and channel of inner guidance I found creative ways through challenges in terms of direction, purpose, relationship and expression.


I became an intense student and later teacher of the existential psychotherapy and its metaphysics that is ‘A Course in Miracles’. I studied in mystery schools with some of the great Spiritual Masters culminating in my meeting my Guru and Master Teacher at which point my journey of self-discovery developed real traction. I qualified as a counsellor, hypnotherapist and in the Enneagram personality theory, as well as several modalities of energy healing, including as a Reiki Master. Along the way I have developed a profound understanding of the psychosomatic links to dis-ease.


Healing Through Awareness

Along the way I have come to understand that beyond individual perception, the transcendent common denominator of existence is our unique yet indivisibly interconnected source and purpose. We are always tied to its presence.

I believe if we are willing to pay attention and allow ourselves to receive and extend its impulse the greater meaning and purpose for our lives is miraculously revealed.

My journey has lead me to the creation of my core work: ‘Healing through Awareness’. My unique take on the alchemy of personal transformation which I am now recording through several books.

I share through a ‘Metaphysical Musings’ blog and offer intuitive healing and mentoring sessions and workshops centered on the metaphysics of being human in this ever changing landscape of the world we are now in.

By developing our innate inner guidance system and realising our true nature and purpose as a Soul centered Self we can heal our perceptions of our ‘past’. This frees us to enrich and expand not only our individual experience but to share ourselves more deeply and authentically with our wider human collective.

I hold a belief and vision that our innate ability to co-create a fully awakened, inclusive, cooperative and harmonious world is the greatest potential for our incarnation.